I am so excited about this. It has finally come to pass. Good things indeed come to she who waits. For the past couple of weeks I have been hovering just short of reaching this goal.
First time I got within 1.5lbs the next week put on about, worked to lose it came within 1lbs put on 3lbs. So frustrating. This time round I was determined to get it so when I came within 1 .5lbs I pull out all the stops and prayed
The story
I got to the meeting and my leader and staffs
was expecting me excited to see if I had done it. I stood on the scales avoided looking at the
numbers whilst all breathlessly crowds around the screen waiting for the scales
to beep and give the verdict. There was silence it seemed like forever, then a
My leader expressionlessly wrote on my card. I peaked but I my brain could not do the
calculations. Did she do it? Was the next questioned asked. A moment passed then she smiled and nodded. A
cheer arose and claps sounded. I jumped off the scales and did a little jubilation
dance hands above my head and beamed. I
was awarded my certificate and everyone was so supportive. It was my leaders 1st
ever certificate to give. She was chuffed.
So 51lbs of solid fat : 51 pkts
of butter has gone never to return I
pray. I am happy and so glad I rode it out and praise God I lost 2.5lbs taking
me over the mark.
I want to encourage you all whatever
your goals are be it weightloss or otherwise keep at it not matter how
discouraging it gets NEVER GIVE UP. Try again and again and again as much as it
takes. As long as it is something right
and good you will get it. Just NEVER GIVE UP!!
Also attending meetings are great
cause it helps you take one week at a time just don’t stop going. Perseverance is the key to producing results.
** Follow @ditchthedietG **