Friday, 15 June 2012

Healthy Option Snack: Velvet Crisp only 2PP

Velvet Crisp only 2PP

Have a feeling for something crunchy without feeling guilty? Try these. They are very tasty and different from regular fat fried crisp. There are made from cassava. The Thai flavour is gorgeous. You can get a whole bag of six from the one pound stores. Kertching!!! Money saving.

*if you have any tips please comment or send in your receipies to share. They might get posted. ** **

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Ever wondered why you put on weight when you think you are eating healthy?

There are several reasons for that which we will be discussing  at a later date. Today we focus on MINDLESS EATING. What is it?

 It is when your fingers transport things into your mouth and you swallow without truly being aware of your actions. Is it possible? Yes we do it all the time. As humans research shows we make around 200 eating decisions a day. Are you aware you do this? No. Take a look at this. John is fat he doesn’t know why. He eats sensibly, not as much as other people he sees shoving food down their throats, goes to the gym have his greens but he still tips the scale.
John is asked to keep a food diary of all the food he consumes in a week. He does this and list his breakfast of cereal and two toasts, lunch of jacket potatoes and tuna bake and dinner of roast chicken, and salad. All well and good and calorie intake per day shows a healthy 2500 ideal for a guy. So what is the problem? 
On investigating in detail without his knowledge John is followed to see what exactly crossed into his mouth. What John fails to record is on the way to work he stopped to get a newspaper and added a mars duo bar to it and munches as he drives, the six choc  biscuits he unconsciously picks from the open tin on the staff table each time he passes it on his way out.  After his workout in the gym he goes to the pub with his mate  for a well deserved rest where he downs 3 pints of larger and two packets of crisp and handful of nuts. After dinner which he has mayonnaise smoothed ofer his tuna bake whilst watching TV he has a slice of chocolate cake along with his daughter and  washes it all down with two glasses of wine.
Total calorie intake 4870, almost twice the recommended daily amount. Is john really aware of his actions? No. They really don’t register as he was not thinking about it as he snacked away and promptly forgot about it. When confronted he was actually shocked at this behaviour and was not really conscious of how much he really ate.

We do that all the time. Take a chip or two off someone’s plate, finish leftovers from the kids plate, munch on a biscuit or two offered by a friend whilst gossiping, grab a bad of crisp on the way out of the store. Ever wondered why stores line the pathway to the payment tills with high calorie fat chocolates and sweeties?  If you have resisted them whilst shopping surely you can’t resist  them when queuing and them looking at you and calling your name, whispering pick me up. Yep. We pick things up we never went in to buy.
The only way around this is to make a conscious effort to be aware of what you put in your mouth and when.  That way you can honestly tell whether you are over eating or not.
Mindless eating causes weigh gain. No argument.
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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Filling and Healthy Egg and Seastick Sandwich

Filling and Healthy Egg and Seastick Sandwich
Loosing weight is all about swapping a few things around. A sandwich does not make you fat nor does a salad it is what is in it. So you can eat as you  normally do just make a few changes. Ditch the mayo and butter and fried bacon and the several slices of fatty cheese. Instead take up this below. Same effect of full and satisfied tummy and a trim waist line.

Bread : 6PP
1 boiled egg 2 pp
50g low fat soft cheese 1pp
salad mix 0
2 seastick 0 pp

Spread the cheese in the bread annd salad mik. heat the seasticks for a few seconds in the microvave and chop. Add this and the quartered egg in. A mice huge sandwich and not heart killer ingredient.

*if you have any tips please comment or send in your receipies to share. They might get posted. ** **

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Low fat dessert: Strawberry and yoghurt jelly

Strawberry and Yoghurt Jelly  Weight watchers pro points(pp) : 1

Great to placate your sweeth tooth without doing any damage at all.

1pkt sugar free strawberry jelly 0 pp
1 ww  Toffee Yoghurt   1pp
2 fresh straw berry

Prepare the jelly as instructed. Pout into a mould and set. I like mine in a posh one makes me fell good.
Pour yoghurt over the top and decorate with the strawberrys.

*if you have any tips please comment or send in your receipies to share. They might get posted. ** **

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Awarded 50lbs weightloss Certificate

I am so excited about this. It has finally come to pass. Good things indeed  come to she who waits. For the past couple of weeks I have been hovering just short of reaching this goal.
First time I got within 1.5lbs the next week put on about, worked to lose it came within 1lbs put on 3lbs. So frustrating.  This time round I was determined to get it so when I came within 1 .5lbs I pull out all the stops and prayed

The story

 I got to the meeting and my leader and staffs was expecting me excited to see if I had done it.  I stood on the scales avoided looking at the numbers whilst all breathlessly crowds around the screen waiting for the scales to beep and give the verdict. There was silence it seemed like forever, then a beep.
My leader expressionlessly wrote on my card.  I peaked but I my brain could not do the calculations.  Did she do it?  Was the next questioned asked.  A moment passed then she smiled and nodded. A cheer arose and claps sounded. I  jumped off the scales and did a little jubilation dance hands above my head and beamed.  I was awarded my certificate and everyone was so supportive. It was my leaders 1st ever certificate to give. She was chuffed.
So 51lbs of solid fat : 51 pkts of butter  has gone never to return I pray. I am happy and so glad I rode it out and praise God I lost 2.5lbs taking me over the mark.
I want to encourage you all whatever your goals are be it weightloss or otherwise keep at it not matter how discouraging it gets NEVER GIVE UP. Try again and again and again as much as it takes.  As long as it is something right and good you will get it. Just NEVER GIVE UP!!
Also attending meetings are great cause it helps you take one week at a time just don’t stop going.  Perseverance is the key to producing results.

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Friday, 25 May 2012

8 ways to have a great day

Most times we want our day to be good and when it is not we wonder why. Has it occured to you that you determine how your day turns out and not the other way round. You have to take control of the day and not leave it to chance. Here are 8 ways to get you started having a great day.

  1. Take time to say something nice to others.
  2. It can be simple as saying thank you to the buss driver when you get off.
  3. Smile
  4. Keep a mental note or write down what you eat
  5. Do something for you.
  6. Give your self a hug and appreciate you
  7. Don't continually dwell on your problems and how to fix them. It will only stress you out and not solve anything
  8. Most of all know that you are special blessed and loved - God loves you. Yes he does, as you are no bells and whistles just you no matter what you have done.
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Thursday, 24 May 2012

Yummy healthy low fat coconut prawn & pasta receipe

Only 11 Weightwatchers Pro Points(pp)

Had this for dinner and it was just wonderful and very filling. Try it & give feed back

Capellini  pasta 60g   -  6pp
Philadelphia extra light soft cheese 50g  - 1pp
Prawns 115g - 2pp
Creamed coconut 7g  -1pp
Button mushroom 0
Mixed vegetables  0 (Iceland mixed frozen veg  are good)
Smoked salmon 30g 1pp
Lamb letuce and chard salad mix (Sainsbury) 0 pp
Black pepper, garlic puree & salt to season;
1 small chopped shallot
1 sea food stick 0pp
Low fat cooking spray

Cook capellini in boiling water till andante drain and rinse out in cold water.
whilst pasta  is cooking
Spray pan and stir fry the mushrooms, mixed vegetables and shallot for 3 mins or till just under cooked
Add prawns along with seasoning and coconut and cook if dry add a few tablespoons of water and cover pan
Once prawns are cooked nice and juicy not dry, stir in the soft cheese and smoked salmon into a creamy mix and add drained pasta.
Turn down the heat to very low and combine well
Serve immediately with a side of salad decorated with the sea food stick.

I like heating up my seafood stick a bit.

* If you have good low fat receipies to share email it over and it could be posted.

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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

7 day quick start weightloss plan

This is a quick start plan for healthy sensible eating. Try it for one week and see how you get on. Weigh yourself in the morning of day one minus your clothes before u eat or drink anything. Best time is just after your bath. Stick to this no cheating and weigh yourself on the 8th day exactly as u did on day one. I would love to hear your results good or otherwise and we can discuss it.

You can choose from the food groups to make up your meals as you fancy but you must watch the portion control. You should have three set meals a day and you can only snack on fruits and vegetables in between and drink at least 6 tall glasses of water daily. No frying please except pan fry with a low fat spray. There is a four day meal plan sample below please note the portion sizes.

**Top Tip add more vegetables and salads to your meal to bulk it up if you are used to large portions.

 Breakfast Food Group
plain cereals(without coated sugar)
low fat yoghurt
low fat cottage cheese
toast (3 slices max)

 Lunch/Dinner  Food Group
Cheese 40g per portion
lean mean
skinless chicken
brown rice

low fat cooking spray
sugar very limited
milk allowance per day 1/2pt
water at least 6 tall glasses a day

4 day sample meal plans
  Sample 1
 1/2 pint (284ml) skimmed milk
Weetabix, 2 biscuits (37.5g)

 Soft tortilla wrap, 1 (42g)
 Reduced fat mayonnaise,
1 tbsp (15g) Ham,
 prepacked, 3 thin slices (33g)
 Mixed salad leaves & cherry tomatoes

 Extra lean beef mince, raw,
1 medium portion (125g) tomato & veg sauce Vegetables,mixed green
White pasta, dry, 1 medium portion (40g)

 Fromage frais, very low fat,plain,2 tbsp (30g)
Fresh fruit salad
 1 small pkt worsit crisp
Jelly, sugar free, ready to eat (125g)
 Peach, kiwi, apricots

 1/2 pint (284ml) skimmed milk
 Oats (30g)

 Spinach and pepper fritatta Mixed salad leaves
 Oil, sunflower, 1 tsp (5ml)

Salmon fillet, raw, 1 (130g)
Oil, sunflower, 1 tsp (5ml)
 Vegetables, mixed green
 Brown rice, dry, 1 medium portion (60g)
Spinach & broccoli, steamed
 Fresh fruit salad

 0% fat Greek yogurt, 1 small pot (150g)
 Sugar snap peas

 Sample 3
1 /2 pint (284ml) skimmed milk
 Crumpet, 1 (60g),
toasted Low fat spread, 2 level tsp (10g)
Honey, 1 heaped tsp, (15g) Skinny latte, made with skimmed milk

 Soft tortilla wrap, 1 (42g)
Reduced fat mayonnaise, 1 tbsp (15g)
 Ham, prepacked, 3 thin slices (33g)
 Mixed salad leaves & raw sugar snap peas

 grilled chicken served with spinach and steamed green beans

 Sample 4

Mushroom tomato and cheese(40g max) on toast (3 slices max) or
scrambled eggs with roasted vegetables and 3 rashers of lean bacon
using low fat cooking spray

 Carrot and lentil soup sainsburys does nice ones in the plastic 600g tubs. 1/2 is one serving
roasted potato wedges (300g raw) with grilled fish and vegetables

 jacket potato with mTuna and soft sheese (try philadelphia light)
1pkt Velvet crisp

plums or strawberries

**Partly adapted from my Weightwatchers plan ** **

Friday, 18 May 2012

A good weekend to you

I hope all of you weight watchers have a brilliant weekend. Remember moderation is the key. Plan ahead for it especially if you are going out. Take care ** **

Fighting to win this battle

The scales seem to be climbing in the wrong direction. What annoys me is that I have been good. I did eat late the last two nights but I did not overeat. I think I need to shake my body up to point it in the right direction. I have 5 days to get rid of the clinging 3lbs I put on last week. Indeed the war is on. Yesterday I wrote out a war card. Status set to on, Threat level set at DEFCON 2 and am leaning on my faith with the Lord as my commander to take me through. It's an American military defence thing I saw in a film. Highest level is 5. Anyway better nip this thing in the bud before it gets out of hand. Now excuse me whilst I rant bit. It helps.
I hate that the weight piles up in a couple of days effortlessly and takes forever to shake it off. The same time it takes to come should be the same time and quicker it takes to go. Surely it is simple logic. Can someone please tell it. Grrr!!
Why on earth can't we just have a drive through fat sucker. Drive up stick in the tube, hit the button and pump it out. Hmm that would be nice and it could be recycled (don't ask me for what)  and we get paid for it.

Why does the words fat and thin even exist?
Why cant we just be?

Just had some cork flakes and semi skimmed milk : 6 Pro Points
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Thursday, 17 May 2012

Feeling disconnected

Today am feeling a bit disconnected. Am struggling to get into things due to the after effects of unmentionable female issues.

Gained 3lbs but I believe thats retention. I am conscious this disconnected feeling can lead to over eating. Where I seem to loose my sense of wanting to eat properly. It is a kind of sod it all attitude. I am well aware of the damage it can cause. I keep telling myself I am not ruled by my feelings. I wrote a war card out this afternoon. I was batteling with the urge to eat mindlessly. The war is on. I plan to win. ** **

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Keep at it till you succeed

I have been trying to cross the 50lbs mark for a while last time I came within 1lb then had a mini binge gained 5lbs, lost it and came within 1/2lbs and hoping to make it this week but looks like that will have t o wait, female issues beyond my control. Any way I am going to keep at it and keep at it till I get through. Also went to M&S sale its so nice to get clothes that fit you. Even slipped into a 12 a much large size 12 though but still a twelve and bought a trousers size 16 not jeans for the first time in years. Looked fab in it
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Friday, 11 May 2012

Just say NO!

Each time you say no to something you had not planned on eating, you are making progress. Learn to say no. It is not as difficult as you think. What is hard is saying I will just have the one. Who are you kidding? It so much harder then cause your taste buds are now activated. You crave a little bit more of that trigger food. Eventually you give in and then feel guilty. Just say no and don't go there.

It is so much easier that taking a bite and stopping there. ** **

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Half baked excuses not to exercise

Ok. It is the excuse some of us were waiting for. It is rainning, it is too wet, too cold. Yep I have been using that for the past couple of days. I stick my toes out from the duvet, quickly pull it back in and tuck in tighter under the covers, hit the snooze button and repeat the process in 5mins. I could only think of all the reasons I shouldn't get up and exercise and all the reasons I should have that extra bit, after all its too cold there is nothing I can do. Point well taken only the scales are showing weight gain not weightloss.

Well talking to a few people I find they went running andeven saw a few people jogging today. Rain or shine. It annoyed me a bit as it invalidates my excuses. Yep that is what they are.

What were your excuses this week. We cannot allow wrong thinking to control us. We can find a way to exercise if we really wanted to. Each time we give in to an excuse we are choosing not to control our weight.

Choose to make wise choices. ** **

Monday, 23 April 2012

Glitches lead to missed target. Learn from them and go on the offensive

Did not make my target this week to loose 1lbs instead put on 5lbs. Had a mini melt binge episode but that was enough to cause me to miss my target goal. sometimes when things can be so close within grasp that's when all sort of stumbling blocks arise. the key in this situation is to not get depressed about it as the will definitely take you down the slippery slop towards more weight gain, Make up your mind that it is not going to bother you. You will get back on track lose the gained weight and continue from there.

Whatever you do, DO NOT throw a pity party.
Once you are relatively in control list down what triggered it and lay out an offensive battle plan ready for next time it wants to show up. Learn from your mistakes and use each glitch to your advantage.

Never give up.
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Thursday, 19 April 2012

Loose countless pounds on #Theapprentice retro workout

Errr! I think not. Shocking that the retro theme won. Surely the gym reps must have been sipping from the bottle or having nostalgic memories of space hoppers whilst clinging to mom. At least we get to see a grown man fashioning red tiny tot shorts. That video will haunt him in the future. It would sit nicely on his cv. LOL.

The fact they claim one could loose weight and tone up whilst prancing aimlessly is pure hog wash but it was entertaining. Shame someone had to be fired.

Let us see what Lord Sugar and the apprentice team are
up to next week. ** **

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Filling and Healthy Breakfast : Cottage Cheese and Yoghurt

Cottage Chesse and Yoghurt.
This is a fantastic low fat breakfast and yummy too. It is filling,healthy and quick to make. I usually warm the cottage cheese in the microwave for a bit then add in the yoghurt. Leave a spoonfull to top. Here I used some Activia strawberry yoghurt with natural low fat cottage cheese. That is your calcium intake for the day. You can add fruits to it if you wish.

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Monday, 16 April 2012

Staying in control of your eating habits

Staying in control one day at a time takes you closer to reaching your goal weight. You have to set up your building blocks in order to do that. Know what is most likely to set you off over eating and think of ways to deal with the triggers. Don't wait till you are faced with a crisis before making up a coping strategy. It will not work, by then your finger are in the pie, your eyes are glued to the treat, your brain is fantasising about the taste and your will power is in the dust bin.

This is the most likely point you will convince your self one bite will not hurt. Ofcourse it won't. But then you take another and a nibble here and there, then finish it off as after all it's the last bit and it would be a shame to waste it.

Yep it's gone, all of it into your stomach and it tasted good. You lick your lips, unconsciously your fingers begin to pick this and that. Once you have had your fill you feel guilty and bad. You promise next time will be different.

Will it?
Plan in advance not during a crisis. ** **

Uncle Ben's Mexican Rice & #britaingottalent

I find this to be the tastiest of all the range. It is well flavoured and filling as well. There are two portions in the bag which you can have with something else or have the whole bad as is with some salad and protein.  I usually have the whole packet with some salad and a bit of chicken, sitting in front of the telly may be watching Britain's got talent and laughing at all the silliness. I do not eat this every day of course because rice is something if you have too much does slow down weight loss along with other simple carbohydrates like potatoes, bread and the like. When you do have it though enjoy it and take your time eating your food so you get full satisfaction.  Make it last longer and taste every spoonful instead of swallowing it in a second.
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Sunday, 15 April 2012

Loneliness depression and stress

Loneliness, depression and stress are triggers to a vice indulgency episode. It can create a sense of hopelessness and pure dispair. Depending on how intense the feeling is one can sink into a dark mood where reasoning has no place.
At this time your will power is at an all time low. You need something to hang on to and your vice seems to be the thing to bring that immdiate comfort, be it some sort of drug or food or a particular behavoir type. Once you have had a dose you will feel immediate comfort. However once the calming effect begins to wear off you crave some more. It is at this point if your vice is food the binging starts.

Question: What are your vices and triggers? ** **

Loneliness depression and stress

Loneliness, depression and stress are triggers to a vice indulgency episode. It can create a sense of hopelessness and pure dispair. Depending on how intense the feeling is one can sink into a dark mood where reasoning has no place.
At this time your will power is at an all time low. You need something to hang on to and your vice seems to be the thing to bring that immdiate comfort, be it some sort of drug or food or a particular behavoir type. Once you have had a dose you will feel immediate comfort. However once the calming effect begins to wear off you crave some more. It is at this point if your vice is food the binging starts.

Question: What are your vices and triggers? ** **

Friday, 13 April 2012

Binging begins with your eyes

First you see, then you desire and you think about, dwel on it till you taste it. Before you know it you are out of control. ** **